Making time to move
January 22, 2025
Doing a structured workout and making time to move can be empowering if you want to reach your peak physical potential. But, for many people, especially if you are new to exercise or haven’t exercised in a while, it can seem overwhelming to do a structured workout or go to a gym. Let’s put that aside for a few minutes and focus on one thing…What might you GAIN by moving regularly?
Movement allows our joints to stay lubricated, and our tendons and muscles to stay flexible. Without movement, we run the risk of having these things behave like a dry rubber band, ready to snap at any moment. Movement also helps our muscles to make proteins called myokines. These proteins calm inflammation and have functions that prevent disease. A sedentary life is connected to a higher risk for cancer, depression, problems regulating blood sugar, sleep challenges, cardiovascular risk factors, and more!
How can you fit movement into your life?
I ask you to consider a walking fitness routine as a beginning step to incorporating movement into your lifestyle routine.
Walking is essential to being able to live your life and participate in your purpose. Walking is the most foundational thing you can do to support your body, your strength, and your overall health. Spend a moment to evaluate your current physical abilities:
-Are you currently doing at least 20-30 minutes of walking per day?
-If not, do you get winded doing simple tasks?
-Do you feel stiff and achy?
-Do your joints hurt?
-Do you have trouble sleeping?
-Have you been diagnosed with blood sugar dysregulation or high cholesterol?
If you aren’t making time to move and currently you are not walking 20-30 minutes a day, it is easy to start! Think of all of the ways that your body, and health, will benefit from this regular movement!
-Start with 10 minutes a day and work to add more each week
-Consider walking meetings with co-workers
-Take part of your lunch break to walk
-Have a session with your health coach and walk at the same time
We are here to help you make movement and your health a priority! Our own coach Sarah will be offering “Morning Movement” beginning in January as part of our “Circles Masterclasses”! I know she would love to support you to “move well”! Sign up here:
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