Our Story
What makes dooable health different from all the other lifestyle as medicine focused companies?
Are you ready to transform your workplace? We make it dooable!
Healthier, happier employees mean greater productivity, lower absenteeism, and a stronger team dynamic

Our Philosophy
Since 2011 we have been offering employee wellness services that go beyond improving health, they create lasting lifestyle changes. We are a team of physicians, integrative health practitioners, certified nutrition counselors, and national board-certified health and wellness coaches, passionate about supporting companies and employees in fostering healthy habits. We have created opportunities for thousands of employees to lower health risks, enhance mental well-being, and thrive in every area of life.

Our Founders
Of course, our doctors started the whole thing. Dr. Joseph Jenkins (current CEO) and B.J. Lawson MD (currently Chairman of the Advisory Committee) wondered why no one in medical school taught about root causes of chronic diseases that were ravaging America. BJ’s father was panicked by a pre-diabetic diagnosis, but lifestyle changes reversed it. Dr. Joe, a surgeon who led the introduction of life-changing technology for patients across the country, suffered the consequences of the lifestyle of the President of a public company. His weight shot up along with his blood pressure. The medications started with their side effects and burn out resulted. Our doctors were convinced that medicine’s approach to chronic disease was missing the mark.
Our Passion
Confronted with eliminating unhealthy lifestyle choices, the doctors quickly realized the power of health coaching to support transformative change and the core team was recruited. The dooable health® program was created to offer employees health and wellness based on proven lifestyle as medicine strategies.
To date, we have helped thousands of employees enjoy a healthier life by conquering anxiety, stress, and burnout. Success stories include reversing pre-diabetes and decreasing dosing of diabetic medicines, lowering blood pressure, eliminating gout, canceling the need for bariatric surgery, and even helping individuals eliminate a dependency on some powerful anti-inflammatory medications. Lifestyle changes are not easy, but our coaches and program make it possible. Just as importantly, our coaches help people understand their “why” and help them live to this truth.

At our heart, our team is inspired by changing the lives of our clients:
individuals or employees of private companies, municipalities, police and first responders.