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FFR Games

October 18, 2024

Do police and firemen like competition? YES! Do they like to trash talk while competing? YES, and YES!!  and the FFR Games are the proof…

I experienced their competitive nature and smack talk firsthand in July 2023. This summer, we launched the inaugural dooable health™ Fittest First Responder Games – Red vs. Blue. The City of Jacksonville in North Carolina was the first to adopt the competition and set up teams within their first responders’ agencies – Firefighters vs. Police. It was a blast! 

The games ran over 3 weeks in July with 3 different workout prescriptions. There were 2 teams competing and 1 prize on the line – a team trophy AND of course the title of Fittest First Responder. Registration opened in June and the Police took the lead with the most participants to sign up for the Games. 21 – 16 

The workout descriptions were also released in June so that participants could be prepared and trained accordingly. Of course, we made them challenging, yet very dooable 😉 regardless of the level. You can view our 2023 workouts and competition page here: 

We allowed participants to choose their level – Open or Scaled. They also selected their age category – 20-39 or 40-90. We had 1 honorary Police participant at age 92 who won his own category! 

Let the FFR GAMES begin! On July 9th, participants were texted and instructed the following: 

You can repeat this workout as many times as you’d like to reach your fastest time. You have until July 14th at 11:59 pm to submit your best score for this workout. We will be updating a spreadsheet of scores and leaders and will share the results for workout 1.1 on July 15th.  

⏱ Submit your score/time by replying to this text.  

Please include:  

  • Name:  
  • Team: 🔴 or 🔵  
  • Score/Time: 00:00  
  • Selfie for Proof 

That week, workout submissions were pouring in. We tracked each submission and announced that week’s leader. After the first week, only 2 seconds separated the two teams!!  

As each week passed, the workouts became more challenging, and the smack talk got louder too! We had participants working hard to prove their strength and stamina to garner the title of Fittest First Responder in Jacksonville…for themselves and the team! 

During the 3 weeks of the FFR Games, the teams tallied a total of 86 workouts and 790 minutes of working out which is over 13.5 hours of fitness. We crowned a winner in each Level and Age category, giving them 2 tickets to a sporting event of their choice.  

Ultimately, The Fittest First Responder Team and Title for 2023 went to….. 

FIRE! 🔥  

If you were wondering, today’s thumbnail shows the fire chief demonstrating his team’s dominance over the Police. It was the ultimate competition and ultimate FUN for all! See our video of the Jacksonville Fittest First Responder Games HERE (scroll down to the Red vs. Blue Games) 

If you’d like to bring some fun and competition through the Fittest First Responder FFR Games to your agency, contact Sarah Schall – 

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