
Walk the walk with dooable health
and get closer to your goals!

Truth Serum SOD

October 18, 2024

Truth serum

McCormick Place, Chicago, is the largest convention center in the US. The annual meeting of the American Urological Association, which attracts 14,000 urologists from all over the world, was held over five days at this mammoth site. Every device manufacturer, pharmacy company, and service provider to these doctors was ensconced in the huge exhibit halls.  A lot of business gets done at McCormick.

I was there for multiple reasons. First, I wanted to support my board members of a non-profit I started sixteen years ago. Second, I wanted to attend a variety of presentations of clinical studies related to the treatment of kidney stones, with which my non-profit dealt. Third, it was a chance to reconnect with old friends and network with new colleagues. The fact that our daughter and her two children lived nearby.  You got it! That was all the incentive that I needed.

Knowing that the busy schedule and then an extended visit with our daughter and grandkids would keep me from my regular exercise routine, I decided I would take stairs, instead of elevators or escalators. McCormick offered the perfect venue!  Hundreds of steps between floors and there were three floors to navigate.  A veritable walk-a-thon of 2.6 million square feet!

Day one I attacked the steps with an enthusiasm that confused the 99% of my peers that were riding patiently up escalators and then back down.  But I stuck with my plan and felt good at the end of the meeting day.

Day two was much the same as I scurried from presentations on the third level back down to meetings in the exhibit halls before heading back up for more presentations.  Lunch back down in the exhibit hall or back at the hotel preceded more of the same in the afternoon.  I did not need gym clothes to get my workout.  I felt great.  Day three was no different.  But a change was coming.

In my excitement of packing for the meeting and then visiting our daughter, I had forgotten to pack an essential element: my superoxide dismutase (SOD) made by Cell Fit, which I had religiously taken for three months to ease some left hip pain and right shoulder discomfort.  SOD is a naturally occurring antioxidant, anti-inflammatory but only at high levels in super-athletes (like Tour de France cyclists).  Because Cell Fit leadership knew about dooable health™, they asked us to try it out and see if it helped.

Did it ever!  My left hip pain disappeared.  My partially torn right rotator cuff stopped waking me up at night or causing me to limit the positions in which I could sleep.  Not every ache or pain disappeared, but those two made a huge difference.  I took it without fail every day.  Until I left for Chicago.

That’s right.  I forgot to take my Cell Fit to Chicago.  There was nothing I could do but hope that maybe I did not need it anymore or that it was just a placebo effect.  Day four provided the answer.

As I started up the steps the next morning, my left hip immediately got my attention.  After making it up twenty-five steps, I realized I could not do the steps further.  Like my peers, I switched to the escalators for the remainder of the meeting in McCormick Place.

Upon returning home, I restarted my Cell Fit SOD and once again found relief.  After several more months, I decided to stop the Cell Fit again, just to see if my discomfort would return.  And it did.  I am convinced that SOD has made a difference and will remain on my daily schedule.

Not everyone reacts the same to supplements like SOD.  But the benefits I received are not unusual and one reason we decided to put a link on the dooable website to help others get Cell Fit.  Yes, we may make a couple of pennies on an order, but that is not why we do it.  It is just another way we can help people use our dedication to lifestyle medicine to help them improve their lives.

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