Courageous Changes

No longer suffering silently with chronic disease and taking courageous steps to get her health back.

Episode 1

Today, I’m joined by Cheryl Bochardt, a fellow National Board (NBHWC) Functional Medicine Health Coach, a Journey 2 Health Coach and a Mom of 4 beautiful kids herself!

Cheryl’s story will give you hope and inspire you to take action as she shares some of the small, simple steps that she’s implemented on her personal journey 2 lifelong health. Cheryl’s journey was a windy road that began in childhood as she suffered silently with migraines, anxiety and gut infections. Her health challenges followed her through adulthood battling rosacea, kidney stones, migraines and more gut issues. However, with the help of an integrative doctor and her own experimentation she saw how good nutrition can be more powerful than any prescription medication she had tried.

Cheryl was determined to learn and implement this new way of living, but had always wished she had a supportive coach in her corner so she didn’t have to suffer alone. This personal experience brought her into the realm of health coaching as an occupation and she’s never looked back. She’s a courageous soul and you’ll be inspired to follow some of her tips plus take action on your own health journey. Don’t miss the end as she shares her wise health tip for us to try!

Key Takeaways

  • How sharing her life story all the way back to childhood with her Integrative Doctor helped her connect the dots to her chronic illness

  • What it took to for Cheryl to overcome her chronic inflammation (rosacea, migraines, kidney stones, candida, weight gain)

  • How nutrition and cutting out some inflammatory foods (dairy and sugar) was more effective than any of the medications she had tried